jueves, 20 de agosto de 2020

3rd form- English

 Hello children! How are you? Hope you are fine!

Open your class book at page 16 and listen to the song in this video ! ( EL video tiene la canción de la página 16 del class book) Let´s sing the song!!!

Then watch this video! What´s this? 


Number the toys in the order they appear ( Numerá los juguetes en el orden que aparecen)

DOLL  ___                            TRAIN   ____                     ROBOT ____

CAR  ___                             DiNOSAUR ____                        LORRY _____

Look at page 17 in your class book,read and listen to the story! ( En este video vas a poder escuchar la historia de la página 17. Leela en voz alta luego de haberla escuchado dos veces)


1.The box is big    _____  

2.Greg is wearing a purple T-shirt _____

3.Daisy has got a black robot _____

4.Daisy has got a white robot ____

5.Greg is angry _____

6,The box is a car _____

7.The box is a rocket  ______

8.Polly is happy  _____

Envíen las actividades a mlpalmaz@hotmail.com. Thank you!!!

Lots of love,Miss Ma Laura😘

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