jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020

4th form- English


Hello children! How are you today? Hope you are fine!!

These are the activities for this week 

Open your book at page 57,use this link to listen to the story


( Escuchala dos veces y luego leéla en voz alta)


Let´s describe Miss Davis using these words: BLACK- SHOES-PURPLE-TALL-WEARING-SHORT


Miss Davis is …………….. and thin. She has got ……………black hair and ………………eyes.

She is …………………… a pink blouse, a ……………………. skirt and red ………………..


Write: TRUE or FALSE

Polly´s  jumper is blue. ______

Greg has got brown shoes. ______

Jack has got a red and yellow hat. _____

It is Mr Potter´s hat. _____

Mr Potter is angry. ______

Mr Potter is happy. _______


 And now...........let´s start Happy Street 2!!

Complete page 3 in your activity books

Hace dos semanas hicimos actividades practicando : It´s a ….( singular)/ They´re……(plural)  y en esta página del nuevo activity book lo seguirán practicando.

Lots of love,Miss Ma Laura😍


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